...all the very best for a very Merry Christmas!
I am heading off to my mother's tomorrow to stay for the next few days and will be travelling to the land of dial-up computer access, which tends to frustrate me too much to try to use it too often (who knew I could be that impatient?), which means I shan't be blogging live for the next couple of days. I shall be spending time with loved ones and old friends, eating turkey and Christmas pudding, get my ass whupped at Yahtzee and trying to make it up by winning at Boggle, and hoping for a white Christmas.
I wish you and your families a safe journey if you are travelling, and much love and laughter wherever you are and whatever holiday you may be celebrating. As this vintage card says, "May Joy Attend You."

And may joy attend you as well! Enjoy!
Merry Christmas Cynthia. Have a wonderful time.
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