Thursday, April 30, 2009
Lampwork Bracelets
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Midnight Blooms
As Jen says in her description, it's a very dainty look for a bracelet but I think it works well as a necklace too. You can't tell from the photo but it hangs very nicely when it's on your neck. I just might have to keep this one for myself!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
More Shaggy Drops
The bracelet itself is a jump ring design that I made up myself. I'm guessing it's not a new design as I would think there are only a limited number of ways you can attach rings together but if it is an official pattern, I put it together by accident. I really should write down what I did, so I can do it again and/or take a close up photo.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Pretty in Pink
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Another Busy Sunday
Saturday, April 25, 2009
A Productive Day
It was lovely and warm today, I tidied up my balcony (including vacumming the outdoor carpet, which seemed to confuse my cat Max, who couldn't understand why I was taking the scary noisy machine that sucks up bits of cat litter outside to use), set up a card table out there and did some of my beadwork while enjoying the balmy weather. Although it was a bit difficult to keep some of my bits and pieces in place, as the wind was really blowing about. Shortly afterwards, we had a terrific thunderstorm with sheets of rain blowing madly about and the power went off and on a few times before things settled down again.
I took advantage of the early dark to take a short nap - creating can be a very tiring process, mostly because when you do try to sleep, your brain is still busy churning out ideas and then it wakes you up early to get started, even though your eyes are burning and your body is still wanting to lie down. I suppose these are the sacrifices one must make for one's craft.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Beachcombing, Urban Style

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Happy Hour Torching
Although I wasn't really in the mood to make beads tonight. My brain felt all scrambled before I even left home (still worrying about my sick cat, which seems to be very distracting, as if part of my brain is always focused on that issue so that nothing else gets my full attention) and then traffic was rather unpleasant driving to the store, so I was late arriving and didn't actually start making beads until about 7:30 p.m. (which means for me, it was really only 1.5 hours for the price of 1 but that's okay, that was plenty!)
Driving home was equally bad. Some yahoo in front of me turned into oncoming traffic instead of the proper lane to access the highway, which I found to be quite alarming, I don't know what he thought he was doing. Luckily, he was able to drive onto the shoulder and get out of the way of oncoming traffic but geez, scary stuff for me and the person driving towards him in the meantime.
Then it seems we are now back in the season of highway construction which apparently means unannounced road closures, which meant both the exits off the highway I would normally take to get home were closed, traffic was slow and snarled while everyone tried to figure out the new lane closures and I ended up driving miles out of my way just to turn around and head back in the opposite direction. I had a really strong feeling of "I just want to go home!" and was almost in tears by the end of it, a sure sign I'm overtired and needing a little less stress in my life.

Okay, that's my rant for tonight, had to get it out of my system before I go to bed. In closing, I will leave you with a photo of my new favourite t-shirt slogan, which I found on the Internet today - it gave me a good laugh!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Earth Day
It is also Earth Day. I'm a bit confused as to why Earth Week and Earth Day fall so far past the day we celebrated Earth Hour but presumably there is a good reason for this.
Google has a beautiful picture for its logo today:

As part of the Earth Week celebrations, Toronto is holding its annual "20 minute makeover" on Friday. Everyone is encouraged to go outside and spend 20 minutes picking up garbage, starting at 2 p.m. Our company has asked everyone to pick up litter on our property. I figure it's just a good way to get free labour so they don't have to actually hire someone to do the job, but what the heck. Did I mention they are feeding us pizza for lunch beforehand? I'm so in!! :)
Lord knows, there is lots of litter about, after a long winter of stuff piling up in snowbanks and blowing in from who knows where. I'm going to volunteer to be the bag holder, as I'm pretty sure my back won't like all that bending. I'm wishing I had one of those sticks with a sharp pointy thing at the end that professional litter picker uppers have, that would be cool.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Pink Courage
Monday, April 20, 2009
Rainy Days and Mondays
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Thinking of my Dad Today

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Looking for inspiration?
But there are those days when your creative juices just aren't flowing and you could use a little help. There are various sources on the Web for ideas - sometimes I just Google the name of a beading technique to see what comes up. Another idea is to check out the websites of the various beading magazines, one of which is I get their newsletter via email - guess how often? You got it, daily!! They have a lot of free projects available to download from their site and not just the ones they feature in the newsletters.
I also like to check out the suggestions on the Beadfx Inspirations page. As you may know from reading this blog, I am honoured to have three of my own designs posted there, but there are many others shown, designed by the Beadfx staff.
A few weeks ago, a friend of mine from work asked me to make a bracelet for her that she had seen there. The bracelet was designed by Dwyn Tomlinson and is called "Copper Cafe". It's made with three different shades of Swarovski crystals - Mocca, Crystal Copper and Crystal Golden Shadow. The picture doesn't really do it justice - it is so sparkly in person, I'm tempted to make one for myself!!
Here's the link to the instructions:
So if you're stuck for ideas and your muse is taking a break, go online and have a look around - you'll be amazed what you might find!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Mohawk on a Motorcycle
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Everybody's Got Stuff
When I got to class, there were only 3 of us there tonight, Dwyn the teacher, myself and another student, Debbie. Dwyn started by telling us how she has been dealing with her sick dog, Abby, all week, as she developed a sudden problem with a disc in her back, temporarily lost the use of her back legs and ended up having surgery this week. So the two of us were commiserating with each other about vet costs and treatments options and how we worry about our beloved, aging furballs.
Just for tonight though, I'm going to be selfish and thank my lucky stars that my situation isn't that bad. Then I'll say a prayer for all of us.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Beaded Boxes
I especially liked this little blue box. Check out the dragon detail on the side!!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Techniques Night - April 2009
I sat at a table where the topic was seed bead techniques and we discussed questions we had and problems we were having
Stephanie (The Dixon Chick) sat at Sonya's table and learned how to use the curling gizmo (see photo, right), with very cool results. For more details, see her blog posting of April 10th.
Thanks to everyone who helped out, we newbies really appreciate the fact that you are willing and eager to share what you have learned with us.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Back to the Drawing Board
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Signs of Spring
Yesterday, I was looking at a little book that my Mom has called "Flower Guide - Wild Flowers East of the Rockies" by Chester A. Reed from 1907. The preface begi
Saturday, April 11, 2009
The Art of Patience

In the meantime, I'll just keep waiting...and waiting...and waiting...