I really admire the way some people go to a lot of trouble to present their offerings in an appealing way. A lot of
vendors sort of jumble everything onto a table, and if it is something like these bits and pieces of hardware, that makes sense (I'd love to see what Susan Lenart Kazmer could do with that assortment!) But others take the time to arrange things very cleverly. For example, I had to take a picture of this display - there was just something about the silver tea service on the ice cream parlour table with the fishing poles leaning up against it! Surely Beatrix Pot
ter wrote a story that could use a setting like this?
I also liked the way this collection of items was displayed against the wall of one of the buildings - I thought the curling broom put together with the vintage curling sweater was a great idea!
I have one booth I always look for now, I believe I mentioned this couple when I wrote about the show in May - he has old tools and keys and things like that for sale, she has buttons and vintage fabrics and various knick knacks available. I picked some more buttons from her, ag
ain beautifully presented on decorated cards, and several skelton keys from him, plus a little wooden box to keep them in.
I also liked the way this collection of items was displayed against the wall of one of the buildings - I thought the curling broom put together with the vintage curling sweater was a great idea!
I have one booth I always look for now, I believe I mentioned this couple when I wrote about the show in May - he has old tools and keys and things like that for sale, she has buttons and vintage fabrics and various knick knacks available. I picked some more buttons from her, ag
I have quite a few buttons collected now and I haven't done very much with them, I'm going to have to get busy and make something clever with them. I think these little pearl buttons will look pretty dangling off a piece of jewellery somehow, I'll have to do some experimenting with them. The two large red toggle buttons could very useful as well.

However, I did resist buying the collector edition of Elvis Pez dispensers. I know, I know, no home should be without something like this but really, I just had to say no. :)
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