Thursday, May 11, 2017


From where I keep my car in the parking lot of my apartment building
to my daily commute to work.
Lucky for me, it's only about a 10 minute drive.
I work near the airport, so planes are flying over constantly.
Also lucky for me, my employer provides free parking.
Sometimes I take the subway if I'm going downtown for an event.

Planes, trains, automobiles and my own two feet
Take me almost anywhere I want to go.
My imagination takes me everywhere else!

Day 2/30 - #ArtfulAdventures with Nathalie Kalbach
Day 38/100 - #100dayproject


Sue Sharp said...

Great collection of photo's - I don't envy your drive to work though….

Gunvor said...

Wonderful collwction!

goze said...

You certainly have transportation covered! Always good to have options!