The life of pi is
the number they celebrate
today, March fourteenth.
Thanks to Facebook, I discovered that today is "pi day, an annual celebration commemorating the mathematical constant π (pi). Pi Day is observed on March 14 (or 3/14 in the month/day date format), since 3, 1, and 4 are the three most significant digits of π in the decimal form", according to Wikipedia.
I vaguely remember learning about pi in math class way back when. I can't say I have given it any thought since then. This is the only sort of pie I've had occasion to celebrate since then:

Haiku My Heart Fridays are hosted by recuerda_mi_corazon.
I'm not much of a numbers girl except when it comes to dividing the pi!...lovely post...x
Great information and delightful haiku ~ love the literal pie chart photo ~ fun ~ xxx
artmusedog and carol
;) love this! we had pie for Pi day yesterday, my son's favorite day!!!
I prefer pie to pi!
you have made me very, very hungry.
Cynthia! I love this post! and I want a slice of that pi/pie as well! And I love how it also fits in with my post as I use pi all the time to determine the size of parts of my labyrinths. Thank you so much for sharing this. I hope I remember it next year! :-)
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