Sunday, March 9, 2014

Dusting Off The DSLR

I hadn't used my digital SLR camera in quite a while, favouring my iPhone or the smaller, more portable digital camera that fits in my pocket for the past several months instead.  It had been sitting on top of my fridge for quite a while but I recently took it down, dusted it off and charged up the battery.  It may be large and cumbersome to travel with but it's perfect for taking pictures of what has been going on outside for the past few weeks.

The snow has been coming and going as quickly as the piles of dirt being used in the ongoing construction that has been changing the landscape outside my bedroom window all winter.
Now and again, there is the occasional photo of sleepy felines.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean by being seduced with the iPhone and other phone cameras...easy, but I miss the extra detail and focusing options of a real camera.