Thursday, July 12, 2012

Piazza Navona

This piazza is said to be the most famous one in Rome.  It's a busy place.  There's a church (Sant'Agnese in Agone/Saint Agnes in Agony, named after a 13 year old girl who was stripped naked in front of a crowd for refusing to give up her faith and marry)

and three big fountains.  The middle one (the one with the obelisk in the middle of it, as you can see in the photo above) was carved by Bernini and plays a major role in the book "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown (which I am currently re-reading).

There were a lot of people

artists selling their wares

street performers

and even more pigeons.

I had dinner nearby on my last night in Rome, in a restaurant on the much smaller and considerably less famous Piazza de Pasquino.  Because I had a read a good review and because I went to high school with a guy named Tim Pasquino.  Can you think of a better reason? 

Spaghetti carbonara.  It was delish.

The place next door was pumping cold air onto its customers.  Several places seemed to do this on the really hot days (which seemed to be every day while I was in Italy!) 

A very large seagull went strolling into a store nearby.  I couldn't get a picture of it but here are the legs and feet of all the men that went chasing after it.  It makes me laugh to see this photo, because I know there is a big bird behind those legs!

You just never know what kind of strange and wonderful things you are going to see when you travel...

1 comment:

Taylor schapiro said...

Lots of Italian birds there. When are we going back? I miss it, even the heat.