Friday, December 10, 2010

Getting Through The First Day

Thank you every one for your kind messages of support and understanding about losing my darling Max.  It has been a rather strange day.  I didn't quite know what to do with myself.  I knew I didn't want to be at work, as my tendency to burst into tears at any moment is not conducive to a productive work day, but being at home, alone, without Max around is also difficult.  I didn't feel like talking to anyone just yet, the effort to be social or make conversation in these first few hours seemed to need more energy than I had today.  I was torn between wanting to stay home and be where he used to be, and the urge to go out and get away from where he is no more.

In the end, I went out to see the late afternoon showing of "The King's Speech", starring Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham Carter.  It was a welcome distraction and incredibly well done.  All of the actors are brilliant. I was most amused to see the actor Timothy Spall, who played the villainous Nathaniel in "Enchanted", as Winston Churchill in this movie (he did an amazing job) and I enjoyed the irony of Anthony Andrews playing the British Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin at the time of Kind Edward VIII's abdication, when he himself had played Edward in the 1988 movie, The Woman He Loved, with Jane Seymour as Wallis Simpson.

But now I am home again and missing my boy.

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