Stephanie Lee posted this message on both her Facebook page and her blog today: "Today is the first day of school...This time brings intense urges to purge my home of unnecessary items, overhaul my office/desk area, rid myself of five million bits and pieces in my studio and the cobwebs they are hiding, set a hundred thousand goals to be accomplished by my next birthday, schedule in crazy fun vacations and plenty of lucrative opportunities in 2015, meditate for 6 hours a day to keep on track, and once and for all devote myself to re-learning Spanish + practicing the piano & guitar + learning cello + writing a book + weekly menu planning + growing a winter garden + read 5 mind-expanding books a week + finding my abs + falling in love all over again with waking up early every day to a new adventure. I'm no over achiever but I think it might be smart just to start with doing a batch of laundry from start to finish today. thinks this is a very good place to start."
I was so surprised and delighted when I read what she wrote because it is exactly how I was feeling the past week or two as the beginning of September approached. I was a little bit shocked to find that someone else had put it into words for me so very well.
Except that when I got home tonight after a day's work at the office, I had no desire whatsoever to actually do any of the several loads of laundry that need doing nor did I have much inclination to do much of anything else by the time I'd made myself some dinner. Now all I want to do is curl up in a comfy chair and finish the J.D. Robb murder mystery that is due back at the library tomorrow!
So if you'll excuse me, I'm off to do exactly that and maybe tomorrow, I'll make a start on that "to do" list! ;)
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