Friday, August 15, 2014

Haiku My Heart: Sketching

With a pen in hand
I sketch and play with delight
Brush, paint, ink equals fun!

I've been really enjoying my Sketchbookery class with Mary Ann Moss. These are some of my sketches from last week.
This one was copied from a sketch of a buzzard in an old book I purchased at an antique store called Merry Mac's (see their label below) that dates back to the 1880's. It's called "The Boy's Own Book of Natural History" by the Rev. J.G. Wood.
The owl drawings below are from a book called "20 Ways to Draw a Tree and 44 Other Nifty Things From Nature" by Eloise Renouf.
Just having so much fun!

Haiku My Heart Fridays are brought to you by recuerda_mi_corazon - enjoy!


Anonymous said...

yes! love your drawings...I am going to watch closely for MA offering this again.
thanks too for your comment, still trying to figure it all out.

rebecca said...

dear cynthia,
sketching and drawing, is there a more satisfying pastime? i love peeking into your daily "seeing" and all the sweet adventures yet to appear through the keen attention of your eyes and hands.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Oh, yes! I can tell you were (and are) having fun!

Wingless Butterfly

J C said...

Nice work. I especially like the buzzard on the old book. They sort of belong together.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful creations and delightful haiku ~ xoxox

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

rebecca said...

cynthia...i wanted to share that i left a comment here for you on friday. on sunday nights i love to revisit every haiku offered and read through the comments everyone has left. i see that mine is not here!
maybe you are losing other comments too?
i am so enjoying your sketch love! is there anything that engages one so fully and places one firmly in the present moment more than drawing?