Friday, February 14, 2014

Haiku My Heart: Valentine's Day 2014

Remember that love
should be expressed all year round,
not just this one day.
Photo courtesy of The Graphics Fairy

Haiku My Heart hosted each week by recuerda_mi_corazon.


A Bit of the Blarney said...

Beautiful card and the sentiment in your haiku is so very true! Have a grand day! And Happy Valentine's day!!! Cathy

Reading Pleasure said...

Lovely Card and excellent words!

rebecca said...

your haiku is spot on!
girl, i have been thinking of you so much! such a cold harsh winter for so many. in the mountains of arizona where we should have been receiving amble snow, there has been virtually NONE! today will lean towards 70 and all the trees and plants are confused with early budding out.
so glad we have walked the sun drenched cobble stones of san miguel together! we will always have that!

Laura said...

Absolutely! Much love to you:-)

carol l mckenna said...

Love the vintage Valentine and very true words expressed ~ thanks, xxx

carol and artmusedog

Lea said...

Yes! Not just today but everyday!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

How easy it is to forget to love...

Marking and Heartsong

foxysue said...

No truer word has been spoken, well haiku-ed.x

gma said...

Love is for every day. It is nice though that they dedicated a special day for it. :-)

Nonnie said...

such the right attitude, love EVERY day, but a little added sumpin for today is okay too!
the card reminds me of vintage cards, so sweet and innocent!

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

My sentiments exactly. Love your haiku and art.

Anonymous said...

yes and lovely