Saturday, February 1, 2014

After the AGO

After I left the art gallery last night, I took some photos nearby.  Directly across the street, I was struck by how the porch light lit up the front of this building:
Here's a closeup of the pretty ironwork railing:
The gallery itself has a nighttime look that is quite eye-catching, with this painting (entitled "Baffin Island") by Lawren Harris projected onto the outer building:
This shot turned out a bit blurry but I like the effect, I think it portrays the rushed feeling of a busy intersection quite well.
Ever wonder what an art store looks like at night? Here's a shot in the window of Curry's, which looks a bit spooky, don't you think?
Alas, I was too late to get an excellent haircut, they were closed too.  Maybe next time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The AGO show looks wonderful, I hope it makes it to Denver!!

Always such an inspiration to see these masters works.