Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Signs of Seattle

We toured around two neighbourhoods close to Seattle today, Fremont and Bellevue and one of the things I absolutely loved was all of the fabulous graffiti and vintage and/or vintage-looking signage on the various shops and restaurants.

Here's are some examples of the graffiti:

This sign is hanging on the wall of a coffee shop that T 'n T like to visit each morning. Tracy tells me the owner found it lying on the ground of the property, what a find!

This neon beauty hangs on a place called the High Dive:

This one was a few doors down from there:

and this one is just down the street and I was able to capture it in the late afternoon:

and in the early evening:

Aren't they fabulous?!!?!

1 comment:

Kym said...

I love to see Seattle through your eyes! So fun. I have a blog post with a pic of my boyfriend in front of one of those graffiti walls.


Did you see the Fremont troll?

Have fun exploring!