Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labouring on the Weekend

For most of us, Labour Day weekend involves very little labour and a lot of relaxation and/or fun.  At least, that's what I thought, until I looked over my photos.

That's when I realized that several people went to a lot of effort to put together these two yard/estate sales that I shopped at on the weekend:

The "yard" sale was actually set up in this lovely old barn (which, alas, was not for sale):

My sister had to go under the cottage to tighten up a couple of loose clamps that were causing a bit of water leakage but it was a relatively easy fix. 

Which then created some work for my mother, who very kindly offered to wash the overalls.

Jane was put to work keeping score at the volleyball game on Saturday, and Janine was recruited to be head cheerleader in between her games:

Laura worked hard to make shots like this:

Alec and Axel will tell you they had the toughest job, raking the sand in between matches:

although all the ladies over 50 in the group will tell you the hardest part was pretending not to be checking out all the cute 20-something young men, some of whom had their shirts off (case in point: see Alec's muscles in photo above!)

The local bear was hard at work on Sunday night, forcing his way into our neighbour's metal "bear proof" (HA!) garbage can:

and then dragging the spoils across the road and into the woods for consumption:

I would have cleaned it up but to be honest, it seemed too much like work!  :)

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