For some, this phrase means NCAA basketball playoffs. It is also associated with the Mad March Hare who took tea with Alice in Lewis Carroll's classic Alice in Wonderland. For parents of school age children, it could also represent the craziness that ensues when your kids on are March Break, usually preceded by one of your offspring saying for the 100th time, "I'm bored, there's nothing to do" in a somewhat annoying and whiny tone of voice.
For those of us in the beading community, it means something much better - the annual sale at Beadfx!!! Not only is almost everything 20 percent off, if you are a Toronto Bead Society member, you also get a 15% discount on top of the 20th discount. This, my friends, is called double dipping (not to be confused with getting an extra layer of chocolate on your ice cream cone at DQ but equally good in the general scheme of things.)
You can shop online (in your pyjamas, late at night, without leaving the comfort of your own home) or you can head in to the store to personally touch the objects on display, weigh them in your hand, hold them up to the light to see the gleam, compare and contrast colours, before carrying them to the cash register for purchase.
But don't delay - the sale is only on this week and then it's gone again until next year...
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