Exactly one hundred and nineteen years ago to this very day, she was fifteen years old. I know this because it says so on the back of the photo I have of her, although I'm not sure if this date was her birthday or just the date upon which the photo was taken.
When I Googled her name, I found an obituary for a man in Massachusetts who may have been her son, who died at the ripe old age of 96 earlier this year. It seems there was an Olivine Rolland who married a man by the name of Urgel Paquette and they had four children, two boys and two girls. I also found information about a woman with the same name, born around the same time, who married Anthony Capiello and they had three children together. Not sure which Olivine is in the photo above but imagine being able to find that out just by tapping a few keys on the keyboard!
Here's a picture of the cabinet card in its original form, showing the name of the Montreal photographer who took her picture.
I received this photo in a Hallowe'en assortment that I purchased from my friend Vanessa, an offering from her Etsy shop, Vanessa's Fancy. (It looks like there are one or two similar packages available, if you'd like one for yourself!) An assortment that was so perfect for me, it even contained a photo of a black cat!
I'm thinking I'm going to make myself a photo album this week to celebrate the season, using the goodies I got from Vanessa. I'm wondering how they celebrated Hallowe'en all those many years ago. I'm thinking Olivine might need a hat, or an owl and a pumpkin.
Stay tuned and I'll post photos of what I come up with later this week!