Wednesday, July 12, 2017

100 Days!!

I can't believe the #100dayproject has finally come to an end and that I managed to blog every...single ...darned day for the past 100 days.  Phew!  It was so easy to do some days and so challenging on others. Believe me when I tell you, I wanted to just say "screw it!" several times.  However, I persevered and now it is done.

Don't worry, I intend to keep blogging. Just not every day.

Tonight, I'm off to the Art Gallery of Ontario to see their exhibit of Georgia O'Keeffe paintings.  Here is a photo of a photo of her I took when I visited the Georgia O'Keeffe museum in Sante Fe last year (apologies to the original photographer, whose name I did not record).  I didn't know much about her or her art before that visit and quite enjoyed seeing the photographs, paintings and personal items on display there.
I am looking forward to seeing what is included in the AGO exhibit.  No doubt I'll have something to blog about once I have! ;)

100/100!!! - #100dayproject

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