Thursday, July 24, 2014


Here's a picture of a machine they had installed in the supermarket a few doors down from where we stayed the first week in Paris.
It was a way for the store to keep track of customer satisfaction, one could just push a button to record whether they were "happy or not".  I thought the little faces were so cute.  Such a great idea, too bad stores here in Canada don't have this sort of system set up.

At the moment, I'm feeling pretty happy with my cable provider, Rogers.  I noticed earlier this week that my digital cable box wasn't working but I was so sick, I just didn't have the energy to phone them up to discuss it.  I finally called tonight and was told by the very nice man I spoke to that the cable box had probably just died of old age (I'd had it longer than most, apparently) and I could either make an appointment for a technician to come over to replace it or take it myself to the local outlet and get a replacement. So I jumped in my car, headed over to their store only a few blocks away, got a new unit from another very nice man in under five minutes and headed home again. Lucky for me, it was super easy to install the new box, which was identical to the old one, and bing, bang, boom, I have cable again.

Only problem is, the new remote that came with it seems to have a loose piece of something inside so it rattles when I pick it up. It works, so presumably it's not anything important rolling around in there but still, I'll probably have to take it back and exchange it.  I'll do that next week.

Which means I'll have to give them a rating using the light green, slightly smiling button second from the left rather than the darker green very happy face but hey, happy is happy.  Right now, it's all good!

1 comment:

Liberty said...

Beautiful travel. i live in France, do you known La Rochelle, an historix city near the sea ?