Friday, December 20, 2013

Haiku My Heart: Winter Threatens

The weather outside 
is frightful; hibernation
seems the best option.

For more Haiku My Heart, hosted and inspired by Recuerda Mi Corazon, click here.


WabiSabi said...

Oh that sounds like a wonderful idea! Enjoy the holidays!

Gillena Cox said...

Have a nice Saturday;
Happy Holidays;
Please stop by my blog Dec 25th - Jan 5th for 'The Twelve Days of Christmas, 6th year celebration

much love...

Lea said...

Yes. I will take a nice warm cave, full of cozy blankets and a long winters nap... Thank you for this invitation! Wishing you all the best for these holidays!

Anonymous said...

oh yes...sounds like the perfect way to spend the holidays..warm and snug inside...together

merriest of holiday wishes!