Monday, April 27, 2015

Paint Storage

I was fortunate to be able to pick up 8 of the 12 new Dylusions paints when I was in Florida in February (sadly, I didn't have room to carry any more home in my suitcase!) but I have been wondering how to store them.  Having them stacked on my art table wasn't really working for me.  I love the large, round containers and when I saw someone in one my Facebook art groups post about how she stuck velcro circles onto the lids to hold the sponge Dyan Revealey recommends we use to apply the paint, I thought that was a great idea (see bottom photo below).  Then I decided to take it one step further and make myself a container to hold the paints and the applicators all in one place.
I started with the box that my darlings' cat food comes in.  The circles on the cardboard are almost exactly the size of the paint containers.  I covered the box with gesso and then painted in the spots with the individual paints.
I added some swatches of colour on the side of the box and called it done!  Here's what the finished box looks like:
A quick, easy project that made me feel very DIY and crafty, and I was recycling at the same time - definitely a win-win! Now I'm just waiting for the paints to arrive in Canada so I can stock up on the 4 colours I'm missing. ;)

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