Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Let's Make Some Tags

If you're looking for something artful to make that is quick and easy to do during this busy holiday season, I just came across two great ideas on Facebook tonight.

The first one can be found on Diana Trout's blog, where she gives a quick 5 minute video about how to make Xmas tree shapes using your washi tape collection and turn them into tags for presents (although I'm thinking they'd be nice for just about anything!).  You can find that lesson here.

The second one can be found on Rae Missigman's blog. She's sharing ideas for 12 days of tags over the next couple of weeks.  Here's a picture of the first one which I copied from her blog (hopefully Rae doesn't mind if I share it here):
12 days of december tag TITLE.jpg
Thank you to both of these artists for sharing these free tutorials, much appreciated!!  Now, which washi tape should I use...?

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